A public debate was held on Osogovo

On August 26, 2020, a public hearing was held in Kriva Palanka for declaring part of the Osogovo Mountains a protected area. The event was attended and addressed by the Mayor of Kriva Palanka Borjanco Micevski, State Secretary at the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Ana Petrovska and Assistant Director of PE National Forests Mare Basova, in the role of future manager of the protected area.

The general conclusion that emerged from the public hearings is that there is a positive attitude and acceptance of the decision by the interested public in the area, but those issues that remained unexplained in terms of possible impacts or restrictions on the activities of certain entities or individuals in the strict protection zone will certainly be taken into account in the period after the adoption of the Decision by the Government of RSM when the preparation of the concrete and detailed ways of protection in the Plan for management of the protected area will be started by the future manager PE National Forests.

In that process, stakeholders will be directly involved through the Stakeholder Council and thus will be able to align their needs with nature protection and ensuring sustainable development.

The realization of this project is supported by the Program for Nature Conservation in Northern Macedonia (PZP), a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and coordinated by "Pharmachem" from Skopje.

The interested public can submit their comments within ten days (starting from 26.08.2020) to the following e-mail address: [email protected]



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