Review of authentic costumes from the Kriva Palanka region

On March 22, 2018. The members of the cultural and artistic association "Karpos" from Kriva Palanka held a show of authentic costumes from the Kriva Palanka region.

The event took place in front of the plateau of the LU City Museum, Kriva Palanka, and about eighty young dancers and dancers took part in the show. The show of authentic folk costumes is an activity of the project "Potentials of authentic folk costumes and unique folklore", which KUD Karposh implements with the financial support of the Municipality of Kriva Palanka, with funds provided by the Program for financing associations and civil society organizations for 2018.

The goal and mission of KUD Karposh through the realization of this project is to protect, actualize and revive those little authentic pieces of costume from our region, which can still be found in the coffins of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, and at the same time are invaluable spiritual treasure. and cultural-historical heritage. The show of folk costumes from our region shows exactly that, the authentic look and the rich folklore, which characterize our region, said Mile Nikilovski, president of KUD "Karpos".

The event was paraded in colorful and striking costumes by young members and veterans of the cultural and artistic association, and the large audience enjoyed both the show and the interesting and unusual performances of songs and dances from eastern Macedonia.


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